Commercial Claims
For commercial claims (other than Motor Vehicle and Workers Compensation), please contact us directly on:
Telephone: | 08 8984 4742 |
Email: | |
Facsimile: | 08 8984 4391 |
Commercial Motor Claims
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Claims can be lodged over the phone for the following contacts:
NT Workers Compensation ClaimsAll claims relating to this class of insurance are to be submitted direct to the Insurer. Northern Territory Workers Compensation claim forms can be downloaded here: |
NT Workers Compensation Claim Form link
Your completed claim form is to be sent to your insurer as follows:
Email: | |
Phone: | 13 10 10 |
FAX: | 1300 684 462 |
Mail: | GPO Box 377, Darwin NT 0801 |
CGU Workers Compensation
Email: | |
In person: | Level 3, 47 Mitchell Street, Darwin NT 0800 |
Mail: | PO Box 77, Welshpool DC WA 6986 |
Facsimile: | 1300 038 395 |
If your inquiry is urgent, please call the Claims Service Team on telephone number (08) 8924 0300.
Email: | |
Mail: | Workers Compensation Claims PO Box 1659, Darwin, NT 0801 |
Email: | |
Mail: | Allianz Australia GPO Box 4771, Darwin NT 0801 |
An initial notification can be made by lodging an injury notification online.
Claims should be lodged over the telephone to avoid filling out forms and delaying repairs.
Personal Lines Claims Procedures
To make a pleasure-craft, private motor or household claim, please call one of the following numbers
TIO Domestic | 1300 301 833 |
CGU Domestic | 1300 657 083 |
Vero Domestic | 1300 888 073 |
QBE Domestic | 1800 182 007 |
Club Marine | 1300 00 2582 |
Commercial Claims Procedures
Industrial Special Risks Claims
In the event of a claim which has occurred or which may be impending, details are to be referred as soon as possible to North Australian Insurance Brokers in order that any necessary advice may be obtained or assessment arranged.
Generally these claims will arise from losses involving such events as:
- Fire
- Storm
- Explosion
- Flood
- Theft/Burglary
- Malicious Damage
- Breakage – Accidental Damage
- Impact by Vehicles
If something happens to cause loss of or damage to your property:
- Take all reasonable steps to protect property from any further loss or damage.
- Call the Police or other Emergency Services as required. Any loss by theft or wilful or malicious damage should immediately be reported to the nearest Police Station and details of the attending Police noted.
If you suspect that the loss or damage may exceed the policy deductible, obtain all details you can, such as:
- of the incident
- of the amount of loss
- of any witnesses
- Contact North Australian Insurance Brokers immediately for instruction on how to handle the claim.
Complete Claim Form and all claims documents as soon as possible after the occurrence whilst memory of the incident is still fresh in the minds of all concerned.
Co-operate with any adjuster appointed by your insurer. However, if you are uncomfortable with the approach or the instructions of the adjuster please contact your account executive immediately.
Business Interruption Claims
Your Insurers will usually appoint a loss adjuster whose duty includes helping you to minimise the extent of your loss with the view of rehabilitating your business as quickly as possible.
In most instances North Australian Insurance Brokers will attend the initial meetings to assist you in your understanding of the position from the outset.
It is important for you to be aware that where you have suffered a loss you are obligated to act as if you were uninsured, eg, you must:
- deal with any salvage in such a manner as to minimise loss by business interruption
- initiate any action which will minimise your loss; and
- concur and comply with all reasonable demands by your Insurers which may avert or reduce your loss.
Prior to initiating any action which will result in your incurring extra operating expenses and/or extra cost in expediting the reinstatement of your damaged property, it is important that you should discuss and agree such action with the loss adjuster.
From the outset it is important that you begin to record extra expenditure you incur even if you feel such expenditure may not be claimable. The adjuster will advise as appropriate – any dispute of course should be referred to North Australian Insurance Brokers for review.
Core Accounting Procedures
It will be necessary for you to set up accountancy procedures to establish:
Output Shortfalls against forecasts/budgets
Details of any loss flowing from customer reaction including cancelled orders/loss of association – partially or totally.
Effect on payroll of employees with sub-division between standard rates, normal overtime, additional overtime associated with the claim, eg, production catch-up, transfer to other production work, transfer to work associated with the property damage claim, etc.
- All extra expenditure incurred with sub-division between
- Costs associated with production to minimise shortfall in turnover, eg, rental of temporary premises, hiring of temporary machinery, etc
- Costs associated with non-production aspects, eg, outside storage facilities, special deliveries, special advertising, etc
- Costs associated with the property damage claim
- Cost of compiling your property damage and business interruption claims
- Savings in any overhead charges/expenses directly due to the business interruption occurrence, eg, abatement of rent payable.
Examples of actions which might minimise your loss:
- Prior to embarking on any action likely to involve significant increase in cost of working it is essential that you should reach agreement thereon with the loss adjuster.
- The undernoted possible course of action will clearly depend upon the nature and extent of the property damage and the duration and severity of the resultant business interruption.
- Ask as many workers as possible (who cannot be gainfully employed) to take their accrued recreation leave.
- Suitable advertisements in the media advising your customers of post damage arrangements etc.
- Possible rental of temporary production, storage and/or administration facilities.
- Possible purchase of suitable second-hand machinery as a stop-gap measure.
- Possible hiring of temporary equipment, compressors, generators and/or fork-lift trucks.
- Possible delegation of processes/finishing or total production to outside firms – to maintain important customers/complete urgent orders.
- Possible delegation of work to other Divisions and/or Subsidiaries.
- Purchase of suitable merchandise to fulfil urgent orders.
- Erection of temporary/portable sheds to maintain limited production.
Possible temporary improvisation such as:
- using alternative equipment to produce the most successful products;
- adapting spare storage areas to accommodate temporary production
- Overtime associated with site clearance and/or cleaning-up after property damage event.
- Overtime associated with permanent or temporary repairs of machinery and equipment.
- Expediting costs associated with the reinstatement of destroyed/damaged premises.
- Expediting costs associated with the work of total rebuilding at a new sit (when relevant).
- Expediting costs associated with the acquisition of permanent alternative premises or plant.
- Possible urgent ait’-freighting of key plant and machinery items – to reduce the total downtime period.
- Special transportation/extra transportation to maintain deliveries etc.
- Differential cost of selling better quality goods at a lower quality price to fulfil orders due to stock range depletion.
- Extra cost of overtime work to make up the pre-damage level of Accumulated Stocks.
- Extra shifts/overtime/additional manpower associated with production catch-up.
Marine Claims
All claims should be reported immediately to North Australian Insurance Brokers, who will pass on the relevant details to the Insurers for their attention.
Report claims when:
- Goods are delivered in a damaged condition or should there be any reason to suspect damage, the attention of the Carrier’s or Shipper’s Representative should be immediately drawn to this and the delivery receipt noted accordingly. In the event of suspected damage, it is suggested that the receipt be noted “Goods believed to be damaged. Accepted subject to survey in store”.
- There has been any malicious damage, burglary or theft the police should be notified.
To support your claim, write a letter of demand to the carriers or shippers holding them responsible and asking them to pay costs. We can provide a sample letter of demand to you upon request.
The following documents are required and should be forwarded to North Australian Insurance Brokers as soon as they become available:
- supplier’s invoice
- copy of consignment note
- claim on carrier and reply
- your statement or invoice for goods claimed
- details of possible salvage
Motor Vehicle Claims
The most efficient manner of lodging a claim under this Policy is:
- Have the vehicle taken to the premises of your preferred repairer.
- Instruct the repairer to prepare a quotation but do not authorise repairs.
- Contact the Claims Department of the local office of your Motor Vehicle Insurer. Advise them of the details of the accident and the amount of the quotation. They will either authorise repairs or arrange for an assessor to inspect the vehicle.
- If the vehicle requires assessment leave the claim form with the vehicle. Otherwise forward it to the Insurer with the quotation and invoice.
- It is recommended that all employees authorised to drive company vehicles be conversant with the following accident procedures:
- In the event of an accident
- Stop and exchange names and addresses with the other party involved, and record registration number of other vehicle.
- Record names and addresses of as many witnesses as possible at the scene of an accident. No discussion whatsoever should be entered into as to the negligence of either party, and no admission of liability should be made.
- Report accident to Police if required to do so by State Motor Traffic Law or By-Law.
Recovering Directly from Third Parties
If a Third Party is at fault and the claim is below your excess or your do not wish to claim under your insurance, proceed as follows:
- Obtain a quote for repairing your vehicle.
- Send a Letter of Demand and the repair quote to the Third Party.
- Keep a copy of the quote and the letter.
- If the Third Party pays the cost of repairs the matter is settled.
- If they ignore the letter of demand you should send a second letter about ten (10) days after the first one.
- If they ignore the second letter we advise referring the matter to your Solicitor.
Sample letters of demand can be provided to you on request.
Public Liability and Products Liability Claims
No admission of liability or any promise to pay is to be made by you to any other person/party (known as the Third Party).
Upon the happening of any incident/accident likely to give rise to a claim, the following points must be noted:
- All reasonable steps should be taken following an accident or loss to protect the person or property from any further injury.
- Obtain all details that you can:
- of the incident
- of the Third Party
- of any witnesses.
Then complete an incident report bearing in mind the following:
Be Discreet – Ensure all relevant information is noted regarding the incident; however, do not complete the Incident Report in front of the injured person. This may signal that an insurance claim may be possible.
Be Specific – Remember, the report you write will be forwarded to your insurer for assessment and evaluation purposes and may be admitted as evidence in Court. Be specific and comprehensive in your detail.
Provide Full Details – Detail (no matter how trivial it may seem at the time), is the most essential component of your report. In most instances, if the claim ever reaches the courtroom stage, it may be many years down the track. Nobody will then remember the specifics unless you write them down at the time of the report.
If a written or verbal demand is made on you, or you think is likely to be made on you, please advise us immediately of the particulars, normally insurers will not treat an incident as warranting further investigation unless the Third Party has forwarded a letter of demand/legal proceeding to you holding you responsible and substantiating any damages claimed.
Such documents, together with a Statement of Claim from you setting out the circumstances involved are to be forwarded to North Australian Insurance Brokers.
Any Third Parties making subsequent demands for reimbursement should be referred to your insurers who will negotiate settlement with the Third Party.
Professional Indemnity, Directors’ Officers’ Liability, Trustees Liability
(Claims Made Liability Policies)
Whilst the procedures for ‘Claims Occurring’ policies should be followed for ‘Claims Made’ policies, the difference between the two types of policies is that for claims made policies not only do the claims need to have occurred during the period of insurance but they must be notified to the insurer within the period of insurance in which the claim first came to your knowledge.
However, you must give the insurer notice of any circumstance or possible circumstance, that may give rise to a claim against you, immediately you become aware of those facts, and during the period of insurance, even though at that point there is no specific claim. The policy for the period when the circumstance was notified will respond regardless of the fact that no claim was actually made against you until a later date. Be aware; however, if you lodge a claim in a later insurance period to the one in which you first received details of a ‘possible circumstance’ then the claim may be rejected.